In this page you can see some street portrait photosession which I did in London cloudy and rainy weather recently.
Rainy day doesn’t ruin our photoshoot but rather give us soft natural light.
All portrait photos below were shot with Nikon D850 Camera and Nikkor 105mm f1.4 Lens.

I took full advantage of small streets environment to create memorable photos for my client.

You can have great portrait photo deals when you book photosession with me.

We did this photo session with young Asian model from South Korea.

As it was rainy weather we decide to have full advantage of it and use puddle as shooting field.

I’m specialist in outdoor portraits as you can see from my results and customers feedback.

Luckily model was not afraid from wet weather or wet streets so we did some great photos.

Colourful dresses of my customer really well contrast with outdoor colours.

Another rainy day portrait.

One does not need glamorous dress to have beautiful photographic portrait.

One of my favourite photos from this outdoor photography photo session.

We also use driveways as location and as you can see even there good photographer can create interesting posing.

Some fashion portrait photography photos.

It was not only rainy, cloudy but also windy. Models usually don’t like their hair in air but I think it is creating more motion and passion in photos.

We almost have cancelled photoshoot due to weather but in end both me and customer were happy with results.

Creating good photographic portrait is not easy job as one may think.

Flower and fashion photography with scarf in front.

Happy model in rainy weather, what more can photographer ask for. High boots were also perfect attribute for such weather.
Even high heels are more preferred for photoshoots in general.

As fashion portrait photographer I always deliver great results for my customers no matter of weather or location.

Even in spring UK streets are not really blossoming, so we used for portrait available plants around.

Professional portraits requite pro photographer with proper equipment and vision.

Posing is really important for photo portraits.

Model in puddle was unorthodox approach but it give us catchy photo as result.

Very often I’m offering fashion photography deals.

Street portrait at its best

Pro Portrait by Teo Totev Photography.

Yellow cardigan really make photos to stand out.

Outdoor fashion shoots can be done even on small residential streets far away from Notting Hill or Chelsea.

Model standing next to fence bush.

Cloudy weather portrait photosession by Teo Totev Photography.

Street Portrait Deals available on request.

Professional Portrait Photoshoot all done with Nikon D850 Camera.

Park Portrait with wind blowing scarf in the air.

Nikon D850 Portrait by London Photographer Teo Totev Photography

Yellow cardigan next to yellow bush as part of my London Street Portrait Photo Session.

And this is the last photo from this cloudy weather photo session shot with Nikon D850 Camera.
If you would like to find more and to see more of my photography work, please visit main part of my Website. For any queries and bookings please contact me. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.