Below you can see some of boudoir photography which I did in London recently.

We shoot with great model Sam at her own bedroom.

As you see choice of bedding colour was crucial to get right contrast for boudoir photography.

Shooting from above required me to be on step ladder to be able to catch model from above.
Highly recommended is to have high ceilings for such photos.

Model have beautiful blue eyes so lot of photos were focused on these.

Lighting for boudoir photo shoot is always challenge especially when done on location. In this particular case bedroom was too small for two strobes, so I have to do all the work with only one.

Posing is most important for boudoir photo shoot and I enjoy to have non-standard model directions and camera angles.

Leaving curtains in this photo left real effect on overall look.

All photo editing was done my me as I prefer to control whole process of photos developing. From photo shoot with models to final edits.

As I advise customers choosing right lingerie is key to great boudoir photos. But you need also master London boudoir photographer as me 🙂

Also beautiful posing with passing is reflected in overall result of photography.

Hair not straight is big “no-no” for most of women, but in photos it defy the boring looks.

Be brave and show your body for great photos which you will remember.

Sensual photo and actually my favourite from this photo session.

Non-standard posing and model curves result in visual delight here.

I’m expert in Boudoir Portraits so if you want one do not hesitate to contact me.

And this is last photo from this Boudoir Photo session in London.
If you would like to find more and to see more of my photography work, please visit main part of my Website. For any queries and bookings please contact me. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.