Leaf Aptus and Aptus II Digital Backs
Leaf Digital Backs specifications including Leaf Aptus, Leaf Aptus II, Leaf Credo, Leaf Valeo and all digital backs specifications:
Camera Mounts
Leaf Digital backs have specific mount fitting one of following camera systems:
It is not easily possible to convert the mount of a digital back for a different medium format body via adapter because different camera system has different interfaces. Such a conversion may be possible by sending the back to Leaf to be physically reconfigured, depending on the specific model. Where Phase one is just replacing back with same model but for a different camera.
All Leaf digital backs can be used on all view cameras by using the correct adapter plate, for example: Sinar, Linhof, Toyo, Alpha, Arca, Cambo and different others via Leaf Graflok or third party adapters. This is possible because view cameras have an adjustable focal plane.
The AFI backs (Now discontinued) were specifically designed to work with Sinar/Rollei systems only.
Copyright: Teo Totev
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