Business Headshots in London
Corporate Business Headshots in Canary Wharf, London with Maksi from Maxar

We did photos in Canary Wharf as it perfectly match corporate look needed.

Even corporate headshots can be done with smile.

Big Lions were around.

We use the famous Canary Wharf pedestrian tunnel as background for photoshoot. It was small problem to get it without any people around so few loitering were removed in Photoshop.

Amazing bokeh always help for good final look for business photography.

In front of another bridge in Canary wharf.

Photo in front of people.

Lights all around, and executive leading us to brighter future.

Hair does not have to be 100% perfect to have photo with impressive look.

Nice bokeh compliment light in eyes here.

High Quality Business photography offered on very competitive price by renowned photographer Teo Totev

My favorite photo from this Headshots photoshoot.
If you would like to find more and to see more of my photography work, please visit main part of my Website. For any queries and bookings please contact me. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.